50 Years of AMG
The brief:
With the 50th Anniversary of AMG approaching, Mercedes-Benz wanted a compelling, action packed, fast paced celebration film to showcase what AMG has achieved over the last half century.
Our challenge:
Finding relevant content that could tell the story of the last 50 years was a big challenge. Early AMG footage is rare and sourcing the content is difficult, with footage located in multiple archives and libraries around the world. On top of this any early footage was very poor quality.
Our solution:
With our experienced researchers we were able to source a number of fantastic clips from multiple sources that told the story of the last 50 years of AMG.
Using the latest editing techniques our editors were able to improve some of the very early footage. But embracing the fact that some footage was poor quality, our editing team created a look and feel for the film that complemented this footage and when combined with newer material took it to another level.