CNH Industrial
Global Journey

The brief:

CNH Industrial required an animated film that could highlight their global presence and showcase how their key brands and products are used around the world every hour of every day.

Our challenge:

The animation needed to work for a global audience and provide a large amount of information about the brands global reach in a short film while keeping the subject engaging. We had a limited amount of assets so had to make each image work no matter the size, shape or quality. The film had to work as an interactive stand alone film on screens at an event, on the corporate website, plus on social media including YouTube, Instagram , Twitter and facebook.

Our solution:

Using our experienced in house 3D animators we were able to create a truly immersive vehicle that could travel over many terrains and continents keeping the film engaging, combining this with animated text and graphics we were able to produce the video in over 15 languages allowing a truly global delivery.

We were able to create multiple formats for the film, allowing it to be used on multiple sites and applications.






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